What is a Monster Hat?

Written by Sean

Topics: Uncategorized

I used to joke when I worked in Manufacturing, that I had a bunch of “Hats” that I wore each day depending on what task I had to do at the time. Sometimes it felt like I had 10-15 different hats that I had to wear each day. I am sure you have felt the same way in your life.

Fast forward to my daughters 2nd birthday party, low and behold she got a nice MONSTER hat to wear. What did she immediately do-she put on the hat and went RAHHHHHHHHH! Very cute but it also got me thinking. When do we lose that ability to have fun on the primal level? We get so caught up in our lives and what “work hat” that we have on that we lose so much in our lives.

The expectations are set, very early in life, that we become more serious. Get a Job, Buy a House, and the list can go on. But what happened to our inner monster? Why don’t we put our own MONSTER hats on more often and go RAHHHHHHHHHHH? Is life so serious? Is fun only an afterthought?

Fun, Adventure, exploration, living the happiest life possible—these are all things that I would put under the definition of a monster hat. Life can be such an adventure, but it should not be contained in little chunks-weekends or 2 weeks of vacation. It should be how we live out our lives.

What am I doing today to remove some of the old “hats” I have worn? First is starting up this blog. Second is planning my garden for 2011, third is looking more into eating Organic. All things on my Monster Life list.

So, what about you. What are you going to do today, right now to start moving your life from ordinary to extraordinary—and possibly find your own Monster Hat? How would you define your ultimate “Monster Hat” to be?


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